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Afghan Hound Shaved: Good or Bad Idea?

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Afghan Hound Shaved: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

Loving your Afghan hound might come as naturally to you as breathing, but grooming Afghan Hounds might require a little more thought and effort.  Have you ever seen an Afghan Hound shaved? Is this a good or bad idea? You know they need care, but you might wonder how to bathe and trim your pet.  What a gorgeous majestic hound when they’re clean and cared for!  The objective is to keep them clean, conditioned and without any mats.  This article will explain how to achieve a clean, healthy pet.

Understanding the Breed

Afghan Hounds are known as aristocrats because they appear arrogant and composed.  They wear a flowing, dense coat that has a delicate texture that is appropriate for high altitudes.  The coats arrive in many colors.  The breed is perfect for hunting and for showing.  They are treasured by their pet-parents and require frequent grooming and exercise.  

Afghan Hound Shaved
Hounds are a special breed and great companions!

Quick Overview

  1. Trim the nails
  2. Health check
  3. Trim the pads
  4. Clean ears
  5. Rinse thoroughly
  6. Shampoo
  7. Conditioner
  8. Complete rinse
  9. Brush teeth
  10.  Towel dry
  11.  Blow dry
  12.  Brush
  13. Comb
  14. Hand strip
  15. Trim (optional)
  16.  Optional oil application
  17.  Praise and optional fragrance and accessory

Tools You Will Need

  • Nail clippers and/or grinder
  • Pin brush
  • Slicker brush
  • Something to stop bleeding such as quick stop, benzocaine, stypic powder, nail cauterizer, cornstarch, sugar or even baking soda.  Note: only use powdery food products to stop bleeding if you happen to cut the tongue.
  • Canine ear solution
  • Cotton swabs
  • Dog toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Bath suited for your dog
  • Grooming table
  • Leash attachment
  • Canine shampoo and conditioner
  • Towel appropriate for the size of the dog
  • Force dryer
  • Fragrance (optional)
  • Bandana or bow (optional)


The nails will need to be trimmed first.  Use a clipper to shorten them if they are extremely long.  You can also use a Dremel or a grinder to grind them down.  Be careful not to get any hair (that includes your own har!) stuck in the grinder because this can cause extreme pain. For a full guide on nail trimming, refer here.

Avoid the quick as best you can.  If you happen to cause any bleeding, be prepared with some powdery substance to stop the bleeding.

Trim the pads by running clippers over them.  Scoop out the hair without applying pressure by digging.

Clean the ears with a solution and cotton swabs.  When finished, place dry cotton balls in the dog’s ears to prevent water from entering them during the bath.


You can use a higher-level tub with a handheld sprayer if that’s what’s most convenient to you.    You could also try shampoo machines or a pump dispenser to cover the coat and skin completely.  

When using your hands to shampoo, you don’t need to rub forcefully.  Just stroke your hands in the direction the hair grows.  Wash all the shampoo out until the water is totally free of it. There should be no residual shampoo in the coat.

Then, use a cream rinse to moisturize.  You can even leave it in if you want!  That’s up to the owner.


When drying with a moisture magnet or towel, remember not to rub because you could create mats.  

If the hair is curly, blow dry immediately.  If not, you can let them drip dry for a while if you so choose.  

Start with the head and direct the top knot forward for volume.  Then, dry the body, starting with the curliest parts and brushing as you proceed.

Groom for An Afghan Hound Shaved versus Traditional Groom

If you choose to shave your pet down completely, then there will not be much additional brushing involved. Obviously, there will also be no hand stripping.

In the case that you don’t shave them, here are your instructions. When you are ready to brush your pet, apply a grooming spray first.  Then brush the coat out carefully.  If you are preparing for a show, you can tie the hair up to protect it from tangling before the show.

If you hand-strip your pet, now is the time.  Usually hand-stripping is performed along the top-line.  If you are trying to make the coat easier to maintain, you might choose to hand scissor or clip along the inner portions of the dog to reduce hair.  

You can also trim in locations that frequently become matted such as behind the ears.  Although hand-stripping must be done before the bath, you can do a bit of trimming before if you like and finish it off after the dog is dry.

You can add a finishing spray to add shine.  If you choose to use oil,, then here is how to proceed.  You can use oil on your Afghan Hound to shine the coat.  Use Alpha Keri Oil for cottony types.  Use Neutrogena body oil on silky types.  Don’t use baby oil!

Mix a half or three-quarter cup of oil with a matching amount of conditioner or cream rinse with one gallon of water. Shake it up and then apply.  

Pumping the solution is also fine if you have a pump. 

The final product should be flowy and silky.

This is one of the best videos on how to groom an Afghan Hound.


In any case, many pet-parents prefer to tie the hair up before taking the dog out for a walk or taking them to relieve themselves.

Consistency is essential.  If you miss a groom, then your pup’s coat can get matted fast. 

Show dogs need to be groomed twice weekly.  Otherwise, a weekly bath is recommended.  If you can’t get them a weekly bath, then they will need several hours of brushing.

In fact, nails should be clipped every month.  The more exercise the dog gets, the less frequently they will need to be trimmed.

Afghan Hound Shaved: To Shave or Not to Shave?

Finally, when it comes to shaving an Afghan Hound, it will really come down the owners preference. For more information on care for the coat and another point of view refer to this article.

Usually, Afghan Hound owners choose to show off some of their coat because it’s beautiful. That is often the reason they chose the breed, because they have a very unique appearance. Above all, it depends on the lifestyle of the pet and their family.

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