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Goldendoodle Grooming: All You Need to Know

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Goldendoodle Grooming: All You Need to Know

Goldendoodle Grooming is one of the most common concerns among pet owners. Monica Dickens was the first to breed a Goldendoodle in 1969, and they gained popularity in the 1990s. Both Australians and North Americans crossed the Standard Poodle with the Golden Retriever. Today, all over America, house decorations proudly declare, ‘Home is where the Doodle is!’ At Kontota, we offer expert grooming services to keep your Goldendoodle’s coat healthy, clean, and tangle-free.

Goldendoodle grooming

Goldendoodle Grooming

Before the Bath

Brushing your Goldendoodle every day is crucial. This helps remove any mats or tangles before the bath. There are great tools available for this purpose. In fact, the best brush around is the slicker brush.

Brushing ensures that the bath doesn’t make mats worse. If a mat is impossible to brush through, cutting it out improves the grooming process. If you plan to remove much of the coat, using the best clippers for Goldendoodles is a great option. That way, you won’t need to wash and dry hair you weren’t planning to keep. This provides a rough outline of the final style. After the bath, the coat will be polished to perfection.

Please note that a professional groomer should use professional dog clippers for doodles and scissors, as improper use can endanger your pet.

If your dog’s nails are too long, trim them with clippers before using a grinder. Dog trimmers for doodles, such as Dremels or other grinders, help smooth nails for a neat finish.


Bath time! Start by rinsing your Goldendoodle thoroughly. Then, apply shampoo. The best grooming kit for doodles includes a shampoo that is strong enough for thick coats yet gentle for sensitive skin. Oatmeal-based shampoos are ideal for sensitive skin. Otherwise, go for a natural, herbal-based shampoo.

Be careful not to get shampoo in your dog’s eyes. If this happens, use a saline solution to prevent irritation.

Brush your dog’s teeth and apply a freshener.

After at least two lathers, rinse completely. Finally, apply an ear solution to prevent infections. These are self-drying and highly effective.

Towel-dry and then blow-dry using a pin-brush.

Goldendoodle Grooming Time


For sanitary areas, use a 7 blade clipper. Also, clip the armpits and inner legs. Use a 40 blade with a 3/8″ comb attachment for the body. Start from the back of the head and move down to the base of the tail. Then, clip down the legs, stopping a few inches above the hock. Blend into the leg and body. Run the best clipper blade size for Goldendoodle grooming over the ribs and be extra careful around the armpit skin.

Next, trim the side of the neck by running the clippers just into the top of the shoulder. Ensure symmetry on both sides.

Lift your dog’s head and clip the chest, making an A-line from the top of the chin.


Start at the occiput, running the best clippers for doodles back and then forward over the head towards the face. Trim over the eyes and ears.

Remove hair from the ear corners into the side of the neck to prevent knots.

Comb hair forward and use chunking scissors to blend longer hair around the mouth and eyebrows. Trim under the ears and blend towards the face.


Use thinning shears to remove excess hair between the eyes, ensuring clear vision.

Shape the fringe into a semicircle using chunking or thinning shears.

Tidy the beard into a neat curved line and ensure that no stray hairs remain. Thinning the beard will help it lay flat if too thick.

For ear grooming, comb the hair and protect the leather with your fingers. Trim straight below the fingers, then round the edges using curved scissors. Ensure symmetry.

Front Legs

Use chunking scissors to blend the legs. Goldendoodle grooming charts recommend legs to appear as neat, parallel columns. Ensure the dog stands straight to check symmetry.

Legs should be either a little shorter at the top or equal in length. Avoid making the bottom shorter than the top.

From the side, the front legs should look straight with no dents above the toes. The toenails should not be visible.

Use a dog grooming blade length chart to ensure proper blending of leg hair.


Use a 40 blade to remove hair from underneath the pads. Shape the feet using straight scissors.


Leave a little skirt based on your dog’s shape. For taller dogs, this helps balance proportions. The skirt should curve neatly from the chest to the back legs.

Back Legs

Use chunking scissors to blend the hair from the hock up. Follow the natural leg form. From the back, the hair should form an A-line from top to hock. The inner leg should be straight.

Using straight scissors, create a curve from the top of the leg to the inside of the hock. Blend smoothly.

Ensure your dog is standing properly to avoid asymmetry.

Lift the foot, comb downwards, and trim any hair extending over the pads using straight scissors. Keep the toenails hidden.


Comb the tail upwards and trim using blending scissors on both sides and underneath.

Find the end of the tail and trim all hair extending beyond it. Then, create a flag shape toward the body with a neatly curved line.

Final Thoughts on Goldendoodle Grooming

When it comes to Goldendoodle grooming, following the dog’s natural shape is key. It is best to have a professional groomer use the best professional clippers for Goldendoodles, as using the wrong clipper blade for a Goldendoodle can lead to uneven results or injury.

If you’re wondering what size clipper blade for a Goldendoodle, using a dog grooming blade length chart can help determine the ideal blade. Additionally, investing in the best clippers for Goldendoodles ensures a smooth grooming process.

For more information on how to groom a Goldendoodle and the best clippers for a Goldendoodle, explore Kontota professional grooming services today!

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